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A Lumi Coach holding a coffee and her laptop smiling before a Lumi Session.

The Lumi Method isn’t just another coaching program; it’s truly a game-changer. Rooted in the latest research in psychology and neuroscience, this approach is all about getting to the very core of what’s been holding you back. Read more to discover how The Lumi Method could transform your life.

Woman walking down an alleyway with high yellow walls on either side, representing trauma keeping you stuck.

Trauma is such a buzz word these days, but it is often misunderstood. Let’s start with breaking down what trauma actually is. Trauma isn’t about the external events that happened to you; it’s about your internal response to those events.

You’ve decided it’s time to take the reins of your life, and you’re all in on finding a life coach to help you skyrocket to your goals (go you!). But now comes the biggie: picking the right life coach for you. We’ve created the ultimate guide for navigating the life coach landscape in 2024. With this powerhouse of insights, you’ll feel empowered, ready to zero in on a coach who’s not just good – but perfect for you.